The Private Man

Attraction and dating information for all men

Video Podcast 5 – A Dating Secret For Women

Yes, I’ve been cranking out the video podcasts recently. This one is aimed right at women. To my guy readers, please share this link (or just the video) to all of your single, female friends who are frustrated with attraction and dating. Many thanks.

The original blog post is here.

[If you liked this video podcast, please support my continued efforts through my Patreon subscription effort. Thanks.


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7 thoughts on “Video Podcast 5 – A Dating Secret For Women

  1. Ah, you are a man of wise words! This is a must watch video!

  2. Pingback: Video Podcast 5 – A Dating Secret For Women |

  3. Summary: Advice as only as good as the person who is giving it.

    Corollary: You are the average of your five closest friends.

  4. Good videos.

  5. Matt Lawrence on said:

    Women love psychodrama, particularly group psychodrama, so they will generate it whenever they get the chance.

  6. The real psychodrama comes out when envy plays a part. And that can come from people on the fringes of your life too.

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